Classics Drama Group

Classics Drama Group

The Classics Drama Group is all about connecting Getty docents who love classic theater and all things Greek and Roman. We produce docent inspired plays from the ancient authors in a Zoom environment with plenty of time for in-depth, moderator-led discussions designed to explore relevant themes from the playwrights.

This website is designed to provide a single source for learning about upcoming events, gaining access to resources that enable participants to better enjoy and appreciate the ancient plays, and answer questions about policies and procedures.

The website is restricted to Getty docents who have registered with the steering committee.

Please forward any comments or suggestions by using our feedback link..

Please note that the Classics Drama Group has no affiliation with, nor is it supported or endorsed by the J. Paul Getty Museum.

Share News or Start a Conversation! Click the information button below for additional details. 

Member Input
Here members can share relevant news and information of interest to the Classics Drama Group as well as converse about your thoughts and insights related to a specific performance or theme in a play.

Interesting News For the Classics Drama Group  

Liza Minelli at Lizastrata!

Liza Minelli at Lizastrata!

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The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis

The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis

When the sea nymph Thetis married Peleus, hero of Thessaly, all the gods were invited but one—Eris, goddess of discord.

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Background on Greek Theater

Background on Greek Theater

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Chat Transcripts from Recent Sessions

Medea Session Four Lines 1001 - End

Peggy's Prompts for Session Four of Medea:

  1. How would you describe Medea’s internal conflict during her speech commencing at approximately lines 1024-1079?
  2. What are your thoughts about the chorus’ comments relating to having children commencing at approximately lines 1080-1116.
  3. How do the messenger’s words address wisdom and passion at approximately lines 1220-1227?
  4. How does the chorus react when Medea takes her sons into the house to kill them? Why don’t they stop the murder?
  5. What do you think of the ending of this play?


Moderator Themes image

Frequently Asked Questions

The play readings are best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer with video and audio capabilities. During the actual readings please select SPEAKER VIEW, turn off your video, and mute your audio. During the discussion portions of the session, turn your video on but keep yourself muted unless you are speaking. Feel free to use CHAT to comment on the discussion.

Detailed information about installing Zoom and other technical aspects can be found at the Zoom Support Center.
In general, attendance to the CDG Zoom Theater is restricted to Getty docents that have registered with the Steering Committee. If you wish to invite someone to attend a specific session please contact us and your guest will be added to the attendee list and be provided with a link to join the Zoom session.

Guests are only able to observe the performance and should turn off their video and audio for the entire session.
Please contact us and we will provide you information on how to join the Classic Drama Group.
Prior to the start of a new production, a casting call Email will be sent to all registered participants describing the process to volunteer. Roles are selected by random drawing and, in general, participants may only have one role in a given play.
Our Zoom sessions are not recorded.  California privacy laws require that ALL participants agree to being recorded and several members prefer that we do not record our sessions.
Sort of. While nothing is absolutely mandatory, we've discovered that when characters are in costume it greatly enhances the reading as well as fun for everybody. Costumes can be made from material you have around your house.  Please view the video our costume director, Jennifer Lee-Thorp, made that will give you some ideas.  View Jennifer's video here.
Short answer:  No.  We are committed to providing free, downloadable versions of our plays in the translation we're using. Please visit our Resource Page to find a copy of current or previous plays.

Planned Events for the Classics Drama Group

Steering Committee

Becky Learner

Casting Director

Oversees the selection of the cast, manages substitutions, and assigns individual tasks.

Scott Jones

Technical Director

Builds the PowerPoint play productions and manages the website.

Kevin Batton

Resident Scholar

Expert on all things Ancient Greek

Jennifer Lee-Thorp

Costume Director

Assists characters in developing costumes for the readings.

Peggy Jarvel


Moderator for themes and discussions

Laurie Rice


Directs characters in the reading roles.

Send Us an Email Tell Us What You're Thinking Ask A Question Provide Feedback

​We're eager to get your feedback. If you have suggestions about improving our online Zoom performances, questions about the website, or questions about anything at all related to the Classic Drama Group, please fill out your name, Email address and your message. We will get back to you as soon as we can.​
